Blog Post 19/07/2023
Written by Danica
Inspiration is an important factor for any creative writer, enabling the creation of compelling and original writing. But where does inspiration come from and how do you find it? In this article, I share my personal experiences as a content writer and give advice on how to find your own source of inspiration.
For me personally, inspiration is like a wave that comes and goes. Some days I feel very motivated and bursting with ideas. Other days I feel blocked and unable to produce anything new or creative. I can’t always rely on a wave of inspiration to wash over me when I’m working on a project with a deadline looming. When that happens, I have to actively try to get inspired.
Research as a creative process
One of my favourite sources of inspiration is research. When I am working on a new project, I start by looking for as much information as I can on the subject. I search websites, social networks or watch videos. Through this research, I gain a deeper understanding of the topic and often find new angles and perspectives that I can incorporate into my writing projects.
Being creative together – brainstorming
Sometimes it can be helpful to get inspiration from other writers. I spend a lot of time reading my colleagues’ blogs and articles. I see how they approach certain topics, how they formulate their thoughts and ideas, and I like to be inspired by that. Some may think that this is intellectual property theft. I would like to stress that seeking inspiration is not the same as plagiarism. It is about finding ideas and interpreting and expressing them in our own way. Sometimes it is other people’s words and ideas that inspire us and awaken our creativity and originality.
The Writers Club as a source of inspiration – how feedback boosts my writing creativity
Talking to people can also be very inspiring. I am lucky enough to work with a lot of interesting people, and it is often conversations with them that keep me motivated. Talking to someone who writes about different topics can give me new insights into how other writers work. Reading comments and feedback from my supervisors can also help me develop new ideas or understand challenges I need to address in my work.
Creative flow – storing ideas
To keep my creativity and inspiration flowing, I need to record my ideas in different ways. A note-taking app on my smartphone is a quick and easy way to capture spontaneous ideas. I also like to use mind maps to organise and structure my thoughts and ideas. This way I can make sure that no idea is forgotten and my creativity is always free to flow.
Small writing exercise – big impact
It is very important for me to invest time in my creative work so that I can continue to develop. I have found that my ability to think creatively and generate new ideas has improved significantly through regular writing. This is why I have got into the habit of writing every day, even if it is just a short piece of writing. This exercise helps me to train my creative skills and keep my creative energy up. For me, it is very important to devote time and attention to my creative work on a regular basis in order to develop my skills and boost my creativity.
The importance of breaks
I believe there are times when you need a break to recharge your inspiration and energy. If I overwork myself, my creativity can be affected, which has a negative impact on my work. That’s why I make sure I have enough time for myself. When I realise that I need a break to refresh my mind, there are several methods I use. Sometimes I drink a cup of coffee or listen to relaxing music to help me sort out my thoughts and come up with new ideas. A short physical activity, such as walking, helps me to clear my mind and revive my creativity.
Words as tools – how reading influences writing
As someone whose first language is not German, I find it extremely important to read books in my spare time to improve my writing style. By reading books written in German, I expand my vocabulary and learn how to use words and sentences in a creative and precise way. Reading also gives me inspiration for my own writing and helps me to understand different writing styles and techniques. I believe that reading is an important part of my writing process and I will continue to use my spare time to find inspiration and improve my skills.
Writing to success
Successful writing requires patience and perseverance as it is a complex process. Nevertheless, it is worth investing time and effort in it. Obstacles and challenges should not be used as excuses, but as opportunities to improve your skills. So, if you don’t lose sight of your goal and stay focused, you’re sure to produce texts that sparkle with creativity.